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You're tired of trying all the pills, diets & still struggling with PCOS & Endo.

You want to manage your weight, feel energetic & live without fear of pain.

You dream about regular, pain-free periods & being able to have a baby.


We see you.

You want to overcome depression & get your joy back.

How would you describe this coaching experience to your best friend?
"It's been such a relief, I've felt seen, heard and understood for the first time.."

Tiffany ~ PCOS Client

What lifetime value did you get from coaching?
"The value I got was listening to my body more, that having PCOS doesn't have to feel like you are in constant battle with your body. You can still enjoy everything you want to do without so much worry and fear."

Tiffany ~ PCOS Client

If your best friend was hesitating to invest in their health, what would be your advice based on your experience?
"GO FOR IT!! It can be very overwhelming managing it all on your own without the knowledge of an expert.  Zoé provided a safe space to learn, grow & better my health."

T.R. ~ PCOS Client


Are you ready?

Overcome PCOS/Endo

Balance your Hormones

Get your fertility back

Stabilize your mood & energy

Manage your weight without starving yourself or spending hours at a gym

Decode what supplements your body needs & why

"I would tell them to go for it, it works, not only it works but you have to be consistent and put in the efforts and you will see positive results"

E.C. ~ PCOS Client

"Being fully online for appointments made it extremely convenient. I felt heard and Zoe does her best at problem solving with advice that was always helpful. There was never any negativity or judgement - just understanding and guidance and encouragement."

C.W. ~ PCOS & Endo Client

"Honestly I’m still a work in progress but with the information that I have I’m now able to build and work on structuring myself more towards the goals I will definitely conquer, so with my torch in hand I will be pressing on for that bigger light at the end of my tunnel 🙏🏾"

E.C ~ PCOS Client

here's how


  • 6 Months of Premium 1:1 Coaching

  • 1:1 Zoom Coaching Calls 2 x Monthly

  • *LIFETIME access to pre-recorded educational program

  • Personalized guidance on Nutrition & Lifestyle

  • Personalized guidance on Vitamins & Supplements

  • Personalized guidance on Functional Movement

  • Personalized guidance on Healing your Hormones

  • Complementary Functional Lab Test Review



Book a complimentary consultation with one of our Certified Nutrition Coaches

"“I did not under PCOS at all prior to my sessions and my coach was able to clearly explain it to me. The coaching process exceeded my expectations, in that I learnt more than just about eating, I learnt about the holistic impact of my body and lifestyle.”"

L. Lewis ~ PCOS Client

"They surpassed it - Zoé is very knowledgeable and listens and always gets back to you with a helpful response in a timely manner. She works tirelessly to problem solve and checks in regularly to monitor progress."

CW ~ PCOS & Endo Client

"PCOS symptoms mostly exhibited were fatigue irregular periods and random mood swings and I just basically wanted to get my body on track and be as healthy as possible. Now, seems my PCOS symptoms have subsided and I’m now also pregnant🥳"

J.C. ~ PCOS Client

Are you

ready to reach your goals?

Book a Consult

Book yourself a totally FREE consultation!

This consultation is a 30-45 minute Zoom call for us to discuss your story, challenges & goals to see whether coaching is right for you!

You get to ask all the questions with zero commitment.

this right for you?


Ask yourself these questions to find out if 1:1 coaching is right for you.


Do you want to overcome your PCOS/Endo holistically?

1:1 coaching is all about how you can use strategic & personalized lifestyle changes to overcome PCOS holistically. We focus on Nutrition & Lifestyle for PCOS & Endo specifically!


Short on time to take care of yourself?

That's why we use a combination of self-paced & 1:1 coaching! Super easy self-paced learning so you can fit it in on the go, wherever you are + the 1:1 personalized support when you need it.


Are you tired of trying things that don't seem to work?

So many PCOS/Endo girlies have tried everything under the sun: from exercising daily to endless cardio to eating only salads to taking expensive inositol...and nothing really worked. 1:1 Coaching will change all that!


Are you ready to stop spinning in circles & reach your health goals?

PCOS is a tough cookie. If you've been struggling alone, trying to figure everything out & feeling overwhelmed and stuck, let us hold your hand on this journey to your dream health!

Still have an unanswered question & need to speak to a human?

I am a Hormone & Nutrition Coach & the founder of The Kalá Co. 


I've had health challenges of my own. I struggled for years with PMDD & Endometriosis causing raging symptoms that medication wasn't helping.

My struggles led me to pursue Nutrition & Holistic health & it truly changed my life. Even though PMDD & Endo are chronic conditions, I am now 90% symptom free! & YOU can be too.


I love helping clients reduce symptoms like pain, manage their weight, achieve regular periods, fix their fertility & start a family!


We'd love to help you too!

Professional Photo Zoe Ward

Zoé Ward!


Endo-Coach-Accelerator Badge_Certification

Accredited Certifications

Nutritional Therapist

The Health Sciences Academy - UK

Endometriosis Coach Accelerator Program

NBHWC &-Integrative Women's Health Institute - USA

Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor

The Health Sciences Academy - UK

PCOS & the Blood Sugar Spectrum

NBHWC - Integrative Women's Health Institute - USA

Functional Nutrition for Women's Health

NBHWC - Integrative Women's Health Institute -USA

Functional Lab Testing

NBHWC - Integrative Women's Health Institute - USA

*Zoé Ward is not practicing as a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian in Barbados. All services offered coaching & education only. I do not diagnose or treat any disease. But you already know what you need help with! As a coach, I walk with you along your health journey and guide you as you seek to achieve your health goals.

Ready? Let's smash some health goals together! 

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