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Zoe Ward Holistic Nutritional Therapist Coach

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I'm Zoé!


The Meaning of
"The Kalá Co."

Welcome to Kalá Gia Esý

[Καλά - Greek meaning Well


Kalá Gia Esý = Good For You]

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Zoe Ward Holistic Nutritional Therapist Coach

Zoé's Story

My health challenges began at an early age. At the age of 11 I suffered daily migraines, so painful that all I could do was sleep it off.


I got my eyes checked, got glasses and even drank 2 liters of water daily in case dehydration was causing the migraines, all to no avail. I appeared to be a healthy, but my symptoms were telling a different story. 

By the age of 12, I struggled with unexplainable and sudden bouts depression, severe insomnia & debilitating menstrual pain.


Mostly, I was a happy and positive little person. Yet for no apparent reason I would fall into deep emotional distress. All my family could do was attribute it to my highly sensitive personality. The insomnia I experienced was debilitating. I would lie in bed for hours, unable to fall asleep yet desperately exhausted.


I tried many herbal remedies, but nothing was strong enough to cover the chronic deficiencies I had.

This cycle of emotional dysregulation continued to plague me throughout adolescence, but I managed to hide it by bottling up my emotions and pushing through, withdrawing from society when it all became too much.


By the age of 16 however, after a series of traumatic events, I could no longer hide my symptoms. I fell into a cycle of severe depression and anxiety. The symptoms got progressively worse, until I completely stopped eating for 2 weeks.


The strange part was that while I would suddenly fall into severe bouts of depression, the cloud would lighten as fast as it had darkened, and I would function just fine for a bit before repeating the cycle. I tried therapy, but nothing helped.


Eventually my therapist referred me to an OB/GYN with suspected PMDD. At the time, I didn't know anything about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, but I was indeed diagnosed as having it. Interestingly enough, all the blood tests I took came back clear, within the "normal" range.


I was prescribed all sorts of medication. Nothing worked. Eventually, the OB/GYN gave up in exasperation that I wasn't willing to keep trying a hundred meds! This left me feeling hopeless & defeated. I spent countless hours on the internet looking or something to cure me. 

After trying all sorts of lifestyle changes and random vitamins to no avail, I finally came across a Registered Dietician in the US who specialized in PMDD, and was willing to work remotely! She took one look at my bloodwork and pinpointed some severe mineral and vitamin deficiencies, blood sugar dysregulation and near adrenal exhaustion. This is where I first learned that "normal" blood test results don't mean "optimal". You can still be very ill and have totally "normal" blood results! How mind-blowing is that!


After implementing strategic changes to my diet, lifestyle and supplement routine, I slowly began to experience relief from the crippling depression and anxiety. After a year of implementing sustainable lifestyle changes, I was all of 99% symptom free! 

I was later also diagnosed with Endometriosis, also a chronic condition which currently has no cure. But I refuse to be held back by a diagnosis! I've expanded my studies to dive deep into endometriosis as I've learned to manage the symptoms holistically. 

Throughout my own struggles, I realized my passion for holistic health. I'm forever fascinated with the body's resilience, the power of food & herbal medicine. 


The clinical practitioners had dismissed me as a hopeless case, yet there was so much my body needed!


I pursued a Nutritional Therapy certification with the Health Sciences Academy of the UK & specialized Women's Health Coaching certifications with the Integrative Women's Health Institute of the USA, and I am now passionately sharing holistic wellness with YOU!

My struggles with these conditions are the gift that enable me to help others. To feel their pain. To know. ♡

Let me help you!

"I would tell them to go for it, it works, not only it works but you have to be consistent and put in the efforts and you will see positive results"

E.C. ~ Verified Client

"Being fully online for appointments made it extremely convenient. I felt heard and Zoe does her best at problem solving with advice that was always helpful. There was never any negativity or judgement - just understanding and guidance and encouragement."

C.W. ~ Verified Client

"Honestly I’m still a work in progress but with the information that I have I’m now able to build and work on structuring myself more towards the goals I will definitely conquer, so with my torch in hand I will be pressing on for that bigger light at the end of my tunnel 🙏🏾"

E.C ~ Verified Client

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