Cycle Syncing workouts has become super popular in the last few years. In a nutshell, it’s the concept of chancing the style of workout based on your cycle phase. But there’s one problem…what if my periods aren’t regular and I have no clue what cycle phase I’m even in??
PCOS coach to the rescue!
Understanding your body's natural hormonal fluctuations throughout your menstrual cycle can help optimize your workouts, boost energy levels, and promote better results. It involves tailoring your exercise routine to align with the different phases of your cycle. This allows you to harness the power of your hormones & get the best results. I’m getting to the PCOS specific part at the end so stay with me, okay? Sweet. Let’s go 🙌 Here's a breakdown of the four menstrual cycle phases and corresponding workout strategies:
Menstrual Phase (Days 1-7) During the first few days of this phase, many women experience cramping (common but not normal BTW). If you are in pain, focus on gentle movements, such as yoga, Pilates, or go for a walk. These activities help alleviate menstrual discomfort, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Caveat: This is also an incredible time to build muscle because your hormones are at their lowest. If you’re feeling okay, opt for resistance training, weight training or a fun dance class!
Follicular Phase (Days 8-14) As your estrogen levels rise, you may experience an increase in energy and stamina. It's a great time to engage in higher-intensity workouts, strength training, or try new challenging exercises. Embrace activities that build lean muscle, boost metabolism, and enhance endurance. Caveat: high intensity exercise long-term for women can lead to hormonal imbalance. When I say higher-intensity I mean this is a great time to push yourself but you should never leave a workout feeling half-dead. Always opt to finish a workout when your energy is peaking! This is when all the happy hormones have been released but you haven’t run your body to the point of exhaustion. That’s just a recipe for stress-induced hormonal imbalance.
Ovulatory Phase (Day 12-16) This phase marks the peak of estrogen & testosterone levels and the release of an egg (in a healthy cycle). Take advantage of the surge in energy & muscle building capacity and opt for dynamic workouts like High-Intensity Interval Training, circuit training, or weight training. These exercises can help improve coordination, agility, and cardiovascular fitness. Caveat: This is also when your risk of injury is highest. High estrogen causes muscles, tendons and ligaments to loosen and lengthen leading to an increased risk of injuries. Don’t skip your warm-up and cool-down and definitely focus on proper form with all exercises. If you have joint weaknesses, this is a good time to wear sports tape or joint braces for extra support.
Luteal Phase (Days 16-28/32) As progesterone rises, you may experience fluctuations in energy levels and potential PMS symptoms. Opt for exercises that focus on stability, balance, and relaxation, such as yoga, barre, or gentle strength training. These activities can help reduce stress, support hormone balance, and improve overall well-being. Caveat: If you’re feeling up to it, this is a great time for endurance training for weight loss. Your core body temperature is up and your metabolism is naturally faster, making this a great time for longer sessions of light cardio for. Try brisk walking, hiking, cycling or go for an extended swim!
What if I don’t know which cycle phase I’m in?
Ok PCOS girlies, this one is for you. How in the world does cycle syncing work if your cycle is irregular?
You can still incorporate cycle syncing workouts even if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. Here are a few considerations for cycle syncing workouts with an irregular cycle:
Track Your Symptoms & BBT: Even with an irregular cycle, you may notice patterns or changes in your body throughout the month. Keep a record of your symptoms, energy levels, and any noticeable shifts in mood or physical well-being. Tracking your cervical mucus and Basal Body Temperature is incredibly helpful to track irregular cycles. Learn to track your Basal body Temperature in this Blog article!
Emphasize Intuition and Adaptability: Listen to your body and adapt your workouts accordingly. Some days you may feel more energized and able to handle higher intensity exercises, while other days you may need gentler forms of movement. Trust your intuition and adjust your workouts based on how you feel in the moment.
Use Alternative Timing: If you don't have a clear pattern or regular cycle, you can still cycle sync workouts by using alternative timing methods. For example, you can align your workouts with the lunar cycle. New Moon = Menstrual phase Waxing Moon = Follicular Phase Full Moon = Ovulatory Phase Waning Moon = Luteal Phase
Seek Professional Guidance: With all the information available on the internet, we’re overwhelmed with advice. The challenge is that we often don’t know what or how it applies to our unique situation! If you’re feeling overwhelmed and lost, I invite you to book a FREE discovery call & explore if coaching is right for you.