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🌸Inviting More Ease In Your Life

KalĂĄ Gia EsĂ˝

Life is complicated, and I’m sure we would all love more ease in our daily life. Am I right?

🧩 Let’s explore how cycle syncing could be the missing puzzle piece in your life to bring endless ease & connection.

Cycle syncing involves aligning your activities, exercise routines, dietary choices, and self-care practices with the different phases of the menstrual cycle.

But that just sounds like more work, right?

☝️Before you roll your eyes and swipe on, stay with me for another 30 seconds


Struggling Stella

Cycle Synced Sophie

  • Stella is an Accounts Manager. She has important meetings throughout the month & beats herself up that sometimes she stumbles over her words or feels like she has a foggy brain. Yet sometimes she feels like Superwoman & aces all her presentations. This is stressful and confusing & Stella worries about her job security because of her perceived inconsistency.

  • Sophie is an Accounts Manager. She knows that her energy and creativity changes based on her cycle season, so she schedules meeting primarily during her Inner Spring & Summer, when she’s in her “Superwoman” energy. She also knows that meetings will inevitably pop up at other times in her cycle. When that happens, she has self-compassion & spends extra time preparing for her presentation and plans to take 15 minutes after to rest her brain & recharge.

  • Stella is mom to 18 month old twins. Most of the time she’s patient with teaching the little humans to behave well and even laughs at their little mishaps (even if it means the carpet is ruined). The kids are always seeking her attention when she gets home after work & most of the time she loves feeling needed. But sometimes she finds herself impatient, resentful and longing to retreat from the loving little hands all over her. This dichotomy sends Stella spiraling into mom guilt & delf deprecation.  

  • Sophie is mom to 18 month old twins. She knows that during her Inner Spring & Summer she really enjoys this phase of motherhood. Her energy is high and she finds it easier to keep up with the twins endless energy. But Sophie knows that in her Inner Autumn and Winter her needs change. She has less energy & can get overwhelmed the constant neediness of the babies. So she enlists her MIL to take the kids 3 days a week during that time so she can rest & have some time to recharge.


Ok I’ll stop the cheezy comparisons😂

If you’re still with me, lets dive into probably the most impactful benefit of living in sync with your cycle.

Cycle Synced Relationships

I know we talked about kids, but let’s talk about how your cycle impacts your relationship with your loved ones.

As your hormones change, this significantly impacts your emotional sensitivity & your needs. Throughout your cycle, your primary need changes between emotional & physical needs.

No, you aren’t a bad mum if you’d rather some time alone.

Yes, you still love your husband deeply even if you aren’t up for a date night.

But having this shift in needs without recognizing what’s causing the change can cause undue spirals into self-deprecation and monthly existential crises.


So, let's explore your cycle!

❄️Inner Winter - Your Period - Day 1-3

  • Low overall hormones

  • Inner emotional energy, Introspection

  • Feeling things more deeply

  • Needing to rest more mentally & physically (your body is bleeding after all)

  • Feeling a need to be protected, accepted & cherished for who you are

  • A time of deep emotional connection with loved ones

🌸Inner Spring - Pre-ovulation - Day 3-11

  • Ever-increasing estrogen

  • Outer emotional energy, Independence & Confidence

  • “Buzzing” energy, creativity. A great time to start projects

  • A need for social connection. Great time to host a party or go out with friends or your partner.

  • Productive, more likely to initiate what you want

☀️Inner Summer - Ovulation - Day 12-14

  • Peak estrogen & testosterone (Ovulation)

  • Peak energy & motivation - “Superwoman”

  • Best time for creative meetings & dates

  • Natural “glow”

  • Social, confident, seeking connection & resilient

  • Most likely to initiate connection

🍂Inner Autumn - Luteal Phase - Day 15-28

  • Lower estrogen & increased progesterone (calm hormone)

  • Energy in decline, needing to rest more & recharge for your next Spring & Summer

  • Brain fog, less mental clarity, seeking alone-time

  • Best for solo projects that don’t require much creativity or admin tasks

  • Feeling “cocoonish”, wanting to escape from society.

  • Feeling vulnerable & your Inner Critic can be especially active in this phase

  • Seeking safe connection with persons that feel protective

  • Experiencing emotions more deeply & accessing your intuition (gut feelings)


Hormonal imbalances can make these shifts more dramatic & cause undue suffering with symptoms especially in the Inner Autumn and Winter, as well as robbing you of the Summer “high”.

If you’re struggling with extreme cravings, mood swings or painful periods, it’s time to get some help balancing your hormones!


Discover if personalized coaching is the missing piece in your path to well-being!

Book your complimentary consultation today to discover if personalized coaching is the missing piece in your path to well-being.

Or…you can check out the link below to learn more about what our coaching is about ;-)Discover if personalized coaching is the missing piece in your path to well-being!

Book your complimentary consultation today to discover if personalized coaching is the missing piece in your path to well-being.

Or…you can check out the link below to learn more about what our coaching is about ;-)

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