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PCOS Girlies; Are You Eating...Too Little??

I wanted to shed some light on an important aspect that often goes unnoticed in our journey towards holistic wellness, especially for those dealing with PCOS.

Undereating, while seemingly a path to weight loss, can actually wreak havoc on hormonal balance and exacerbate weight-related concerns.

Here are three key reasons why undereating can lead to hormonal imbalances and weight gain in women with PCOS:


🧬Disrupted Hormonal Regulation:

When you consistently undereat, your body perceives it as a state of famine, triggering a stress response [higher cortisol levels = depleted nutrient stores].

In women with PCOS, this stress can further disrupt the delicate balance of hormones, particularly insulin and cortisol. Insulin resistance is common in PCOS, and stress-induced cortisol spikes can worsen it. This imbalance in insulin and cortisol levels can contribute to increased fat storage, especially around the abdomen, and make weight loss more challenging.

🐌Metabolic Slowdown:

Chronic undereating can slow down your metabolism.

Your body, perceiving a shortage of energy, adapts by conserving energy and slowing down various bodily functions to preserve what it has [including slowing down hormone production].

This shift can decrease the number of calories burned at rest, making it harder to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. In PCOS, where metabolic rate irregularities are already common, this effect can further exacerbate weight concerns.

📈Nutrient Deficiencies:

Undereating often leads to insufficient intake of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates).

For women with PCOS, specific nutrients like magnesium, chromium, Omega 3, and vitamin D play crucial roles in managing insulin sensitivity and hormone balance. Deficiencies in these nutrients can aggravate PCOS symptoms, making weight management and hormonal regulation more challenging.


It's crucial to approach PCOS management holistically, focusing on nourishing your body with balanced, nutritious meals rather than restricting calories.

Seeking guidance from a qualified hormone-informed nutrition professional can help design a personalized nutrition plan that supports hormonal balance, metabolism, and overall wellbeing!

Remember, your body thrives on nourishment, not deprivation.

Let's prioritize sustainable, nourishing habits on our journey to holistic health.


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