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🥗The ONE Thing I Wish I Knew Sooner...

Kalá Gia Esý

So, what is this one thing I wish I knew sooner? As a Nutritional Therapy Coach specializing in PCOS, it seems like a no-brainer to me now, but I truly had no idea years ago when my health was at its lowest point.

Those of you that have been here a while know this already, but i’ll recap quickly for the new peeps (👋hello, welcome!)

🙋‍♀️I have PMDD and Endometriosis, and for a long time I struggled with debilitating symptoms of hormonal imbalance and depression, not to mention excruciating period pain.

I knew something was wrong with my body, and being the resourceful type (I know a lot of you relate to this🫵😉) I was the 👸🏻of Google search. I spent hours down Google rabbit holes learning about every supplement I possibly could find that might help.

I tried a lot of them. ❌Nothing worked.

So what did I do? More Googling. Clearly I just hadn’t found the right one yet.


Have you been there? Do you know what that feels like?

None of the supplements you try really help.

❌None of the crazy bootcamps helped

❌None of the diets helped.     

🤝Then I discovered Professional Nutrition Guidance and it changed my life forever. 🥹


🍋 I started making personalized changes to the diet I already thought was “pretty healthy”.

💊I started taking vitamins based on what my unique body actually, scientifically, needed.

🌱I started herbal hormonal support based on actual analysis results ~ instead of guesswork.

And my symptoms? They reduced by 99% within 6 months.


🤔 So, What is the Role of Nutrition in PCOS Management:

🫐Personalized Nutrition serves as a cornerstone in addressing YOUR UNIQUE nutrient deficiencies & reversing insulin resistance, a common challenge in PCOS.

Focusing on a balanced diet comprising of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to stabilize blood sugar levels is a great start.🥗

🚨But you are NOT going to see the results you’re looking for until you understand your unique metabolic needs and address your:

🍍Nutrient Deficiencies

🍯Blood Sugar Dysregulation

🩸Hormone Imbalance

🍭Insulin Resistance

😵‍💫Chronic Stress

🦠Gut Health

Where to begin?

🩸Start by Nourishing Hormonal Health with Nutrient-Dense Choices:

Optimal nutrition plays a key role in supporting hormonal balance. Integrate nutrient-dense foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Include sources such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, vibrant berries, and leafy greens in your diet. Don’t forget to load up on the nutrient-dense spices!

These choices can help manage inflammation, regulate menstrual cycles, and balance hormones to optimize fertility.


📌Take the Essential Next Step to Overcome PCOS:

💎 Seek Personalized Holistic Nutritional Guidance:

Explore the benefits of personalized nutritional guidance by consulting with a holistic nutritional therapist specializing in PCOS.

A tailored approach takes into account your unique needs and lifestyle, ensuring that your nutrition aligns with your body's requirements for optimal well-being. This collaborative effort can be a catalyst for positive, sustainable change.👩🏻‍⚕️

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