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💉What's Up With Weight Loss Drugs?

A holistic health coach's perspective.

Weight loss drugs have gotten a lot of attention lately & I’ve been procrastinating doing a newsletter on it. Why? There are a couple of reasons actually.

#1. You know I like to share solid research, and the research on Ozempic & Wegovy is just not solid enough yet (IMO).

#2. I don’t want to discourage persons who may have found hope in the research development of WLD’s.

So, while both of those still hold true, I am going to seek to write as balanced of a report as a holistic Nutritional Therapist possibly could on such a topic 😂


Let’s first talk about the positives

The research and development of weight loss drugs is bringing a lot of hope to persons who have struggled with weight gain due to medical conditions such as PCOS & others.

Some persons experience significant weight gain from being on lifesaving medications such as antidepressants, insulin or anti-seizure drugs. Or medication that improves their quality of life in other ways like corticosteroids, heartburn drugs & hormone medications.

❌There’s a lot of societal stigma around being overweight & I think we need to stop judging, stop giving unsolicited generic advice & assuming that being overweight is a choice.

As a petite person myself, I don’t claim to fully understand the impact of weight gain. But working daily with absolutely wonderful women who struggle with excess weight, I’ve deeply empathized with many a tearful story of what it’s like being a plus-sized woman in today’s society.

If you’re willing to share your experiences, just reply to this email! I’m genuinely here to empathize & help women on their journey to achieving their health goals ♡

So that being said, I think the research on weight loss drugs is bringing hope to these persons who may have otherwise felt out of options and out of control.

& that is incredibly valuable.



Here’s the flip side of the coin.

While I am so glad the research is bringing hope, the research isn’t as solid as it needs to be YET.

In fact, the recently popularized weight loss drugs Ozempic & Wegovy come with an increased risk of pancreatitis, intestinal blockage & stomach paralysis compared to an older obesity drug. Plus, the research on the long term side-effects just isn’t conclusive enough.

Then, weight loss drugs come with hidden dangers like:

  • Daily Side Effects: Many weight loss drugs can cause a wide range of side effects, some of which can be severe. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, and insomnia. More serious side effects can include high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and mood changes.

  • Psychological Impact: The use of weight loss drugs can also have a psychological impact. People may develop an unhealthy relationship with food, eating disorders, their body, and their self-esteem, which can have long-lasting effects.

  • Limited Efficacy: Weight loss drugs are often not very effective for long-term weight loss. Even when they do lead to weight loss, the effects may be temporary, and people often regain the weight once they stop taking the medication.

  • Health Risks: Some weight loss drugs can pose significant health risks. For example, drugs that increase heart rate or blood pressure can be dangerous for people with preexisting heart conditions or hypertension.

  • Dependency: In some cases, people may become dependent on weight loss drugs to maintain their weight loss. This can lead to a cycle of reliance on medication and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight without it.

  • Lack of Long-Term Data: Long-term safety data on many weight loss drugs is often limited because they haven't been studied for extended periods. This means that potential risks and side effects in the long term may not be well understood.

  • Misuse and Abuse: Some individuals may misuse weight loss drugs, taking larger doses than prescribed or using them without a doctor's supervision. This can increase the risk of adverse effects and addiction.

  • False Promises: Some weight loss drugs are promoted with unrealistic claims of rapid and substantial weight loss, which can lead to disappointment and desperation in people seeking quick solutions.

  • Regulatory Issues: The safety and effectiveness of weight loss drugs can vary, and the regulation of these drugs may not always be stringent. Some weight loss supplements, in particular, can be sold without rigorous testing or oversight. (Don’t even get me started! If you want me to rant all over a newsletter about “weight loss supplements” hit reply & let me know your top questions)


In Summary…

I’m not against the research going into weight loss drugs & I think it has it’s place medically.


The research isn’t currently at a place that I’d be comfortable recommending anyone take the route of weight loss drugs.


I believe that the best way to achieve healthy, sustainable weight loss is to address the ROOT CAUSE of the weight gain.

Sure, it’s not as easy as getting an injection & probably won’t work as fast. But it’s much safer, your overall quality of life improves & you not only lose weight but actually get healthy in the process!

No idea where to begin?

That’s okay…we’re here to help!

Just hit reply & shoot us your questions! I actually do read & reply!

Or…you can check out the link below to learn more about what our coaching is about ;-)

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