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The Kalá Co. uses external and independent couriers to deliver your goods. Therefore, we are not responsible for the training of external staff. However, we are committed to a high level of customer service, and we choose our partners very carefully. If you have experienced a less-than-satisfactory delivery, kindly contact us and we will take the necessary action to maintain our high standard of customer service.


Due to the nature of the products we sell, we are unable to accept returns or exchanges on products that are not faulty. If you have received a faulty or defective product, kindly contact us and we will be happy to assist. However, we are not responsible to the use of the product and due to the nature of herbs and supplements, we are unable to guarantee the suggested results for everyone. The effectiveness of natural products is subjective to many factors such as overall diet and lifestyle, supplement combinations, interactions etc. If you have any questions, kindly reach out and we will be happy to help!

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